WIP Kenner 1997 12" Star Wars Collector Series - LUKE SKYWALKER

 Kenner 1997 12" Star Wars Collector Series

2014 is a year for me to start something new. I decided to start a lifetime project by painting 12" collector figure. Face off/ face on, add details or even scratch build some parts.

I will start with Luke - from Kenner/Hot toys,  and also Bossk the Star Wars bounty hunter - from Sideshow.


 WIP with More Photos
Here is the vintage Star Wars kit from Kenner. Item is Mint Condition. I carefully removed the tape. 

 It is open! Hmm... there still have a nice rubber smell~

Sorry, 18 above only can see this. Ohh... Luke Is naked! Not everyday you can see this! haha
At the back, we can see 1992 Hasbro Inc, Pawtucket, RI 02862,made in China, C-022E.

The belt.

Take some close-up picture before i wash away the factory paint using
thinner and brush.

His hair look much better after wash. There are lots of detail now.

I added the face mole using super glue. It dry very fast, and most important it stick well. 

Using Mr Hobby Flesh no.51, Orange no.59 and Red Brown no.47. I mixed this three colour for 3 different tone to match Luke skin tone.

By using brush and some arcylic colour, i have added some small dots on the face. Than i paint the eye, add in some face tone.


After job done. Base on this original head sculpt, it not really look like LUKE. So i added some more light & shadow to enhances some area, hope it look like him now. Still a better head sculpt is even better!

Repainted Luke blaster

Repainted Luke leather pouch and lightsaber. 

After all done... is time to get it bank to his original packaging. See you again. Item is selling in ebay now : http://www.ebay.com/itm/231177298706?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Hope you enjoy here & feel free to comment. Thank you.

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